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Tooltips display informative text when users hover over, focus on, or tap an element.

When activated, Tooltips display a text label identifying an element, such as a description of its function.

Basic tooltip

<Tooltip title="Delete">
    <DeleteIcon />

Positioned tooltips

The Tooltip has 12 placements choice. They don't have directional arrows; instead, they rely on motion emanating from the source to convey direction.

Customized tooltips

Here are some examples of customizing the component. You can learn more about this in the overrides documentation page.

Arrow tooltips

You can use the arrow prop to give your tooltip an arrow indicating which element it refers to.

<Tooltip title="Add" arrow>

Custom child element

The tooltip needs to apply DOM event listeners to its child element. If the child is a custom React element, you need to make sure that it spreads its props to the underlying DOM element.

const MyComponent = React.forwardRef(function MyComponent(props, ref) {
  //  Spread the props to the underlying DOM element.
  return <div {...props} ref={ref}>Bin</div>

// ...

<Tooltip title="Delete">

You can find a similar concept in the wrapping components guide.


You can define the types of events that cause a tooltip to show.

Controlled tooltips

You can use the open, onOpen and onClose props to control the behavior of the tooltip.

<Tooltip open={open} onClose={handleClose} onOpen={handleOpen} title="Add">

Variable width

The Tooltip wraps long text by default to make it readable.

<Tooltip title={longText}>
  <Button sx={{ m: 1 }}>Default Width [300px]</Button>
<CustomWidthTooltip title={longText}>
  <Button sx={{ m: 1 }}>Custom Width [500px]</Button>
<NoMaxWidthTooltip title={longText}>
  <Button sx={{ m: 1 }}>No wrapping</Button>


Tooltips are interactive by default (to pass WCAG 2.1 success criterion 1.4.13). It won't close when the user hovers over the tooltip before the leaveDelay is expired. You can disable this behavior (thus failing the success criterion which is required to reach level AA) by passing disableInteractive.

<Tooltip title="Add" disableInteractive>
  <Button>Not interactive</Button>

Disabled elements

By default disabled elements like <button> do not trigger user interactions so a Tooltip will not activate on normal events like hover. To accommodate disabled elements, add a simple wrapper element, such as a span.

⚠️ In order to work with Safari, you need at least one display block or flex item below the tooltip wrapper.

<Tooltip title="You don't have permission to do this">
    <Button disabled>A Disabled Button</Button>

If you're not wrapping a Material-UI component that inherits from ButtonBase, for instance, a native <button> element, you should also add the CSS property pointer-events: none; to your element when disabled:

<Tooltip title="You don't have permission to do this">
    <button disabled={disabled} style={disabled ? { pointerEvents: 'none' } : {}}>
      A disabled button


Use a different transition.

<Tooltip title="Add">
  TransitionProps={{ timeout: 600 }}
<Tooltip TransitionComponent={Zoom} title="Add">

Follow cursor

You can enable the tooltip to follow the cursor by setting followCursor={true}.

Disabled Action
<Tooltip title="You don't have permission to do this" followCursor>
  <Box sx={{ bgcolor: 'text.disabled', color: 'background.paper', p: 2 }}>
    Disabled Action

Virtual element

In the event you need to implement a custom placement, you can use the anchorEl prop: The value of the anchorEl prop can be a reference to a fake DOM element. You need to create an object shaped like the VirtualElement.


Showing and hiding

The tooltip is normally shown immediately when the user's mouse hovers over the element, and hides immediately when the user's mouse leaves. A delay in showing or hiding the tooltip can be added through the enterDelay and leaveDelay props, as shown in the Controlled Tooltips demo above.

On mobile, the tooltip is displayed when the user longpresses the element and hides after a delay of 1500ms. You can disable this feature with the disableTouchListener prop.

<Tooltip title="Add" enterDelay={500} leaveDelay={200}>
  <Button>[500ms, 200ms]</Button>



By default, the tooltip only labels its child element. This is notably different from title which can either label or describe its child depending on whether the child already has a label. For example, in:

<button title="some more information">A button</button>

the title acts as an accessible description. If you want the tooltip to act as an accessible description you can pass describeChild. Note that you shouldn't use describeChild if the tooltip provides the only visual label. Otherwise, the child would have no accessible name and the tooltip would violate success criterion 2.5.3 in WCAG 2.1.

<Tooltip title="Delete">
    <DeleteIcon />
<Tooltip describeChild title="Does not add if it already exists.">